Capri is famous all over the world for its wonders and the bay of Marina Piccola certainly offers one of the most evocative sceneries of the entire island, with the Faraglioni that frame a sea in which you will look forward to diving.

The Romans made this place a safe harbor and, centuries later, Capri fishermen made Marina Piccola their home. Today the bay of Marina Piccola, which has become one of the most admired in the Bel Paese, is nothing short of a dream location.

The "The "Bagni Internazionali" bathing complex is located in this paradise. Around the end of the 1970s, the complex expanded with the acquisition of another historic beach, the "Bagni da Maria". Therefore, thanks to the proximity of the two structures, the accommodation capacity is truly remarkable and guests can enjoy the small beach located between the two establishments, as well as the raised terraces which allow them to fully appreciate, with maximum comfort, the wonder of the bay. To complete the splendid picture offered by the structure there are the restaurant, bar and snack bar services, so as to allow guests to choose, according to their preferences, how to spend their time in this enchanting place.Bagni Internazionali" bathing complex is located in this paradise. Around the end of the 1970s, the complex expanded with the acquisition of another historic beach, the "Bagni da Maria".

The complex also has an exclusive car park, where it is possible to leave scooters and small cars. The family management, which has been going on for four generations, makes customers feel really welcome and at ease, because each of them is treated with courtesy, as good Capri tradition teaches.

Antonino is a Mulese in heart and mind.

In Capri, mulesi are defined as those who belong, not only by birth, to the Marina di Mulo or the Little Marina of Capri.

The toponym Mulo derives from the pier that stood in that Marina to the south of the island where Roman ships docked in the Augustan-Tiberian period.

edited by Renato Esposito